Saturday, July 30, 2011

On "There Are No Right or Wrong Answers" by Christine Fadden (1602 words) *****

Fadden's story about questions and answers starts out like an essay. In fact, it could be an essay--or a letter--to you. It's one of those pieces addressed to the reader, or rather to a reader. We're just the person perching over the true audience's shoulder; we're just the voyeur (unless our name happens to be Matt, and we're in college and live with our mom, and we like older women). Fadden's piece is a flight of fantasy, started with those Internet quizzes that are supposed to tell us things we don't know about ourselves and our futures and following through. Just how accurate is the quiz? Does it matter? There are no right or wrong answers. Read the story here at Knee-jerk.


Short Story Slore said...

Thanks for pointing out that story! I love the whole quiz aspect and how I feel intrusive for reading someone's honest and personal thoughts she could never say to Matt. I might just read more of Fadden's writings for her bio line alone.

Short Story Reader said...

I think that in a way good short stories are always a little on the intrusive side.

chicaloungin said...

Thanks for reading my story-- and writing about it. :-)

Short Story Reader said...

My pleasure. No, really.