Thursday, April 3, 2014

On "A Sensitive Soul" by Andrew Coburn (8120 words) ***

Coburn's story deals with life, death, God, reasons for living, birth--just a few small things like that. The overall arch of the story is the most fascinating part, what kept me reading on for the whole thing. Frances and Amy are best friends sharing a drink on the balcony of their condo when Amy gets a phone call. It's her husband. Her husband has been dead for some time. The tale then jumps back in time--or maybe forward, since Coburn doesn't tell us, so we're not sure exactly what is going on. We get a tale about the husband Dennis, his time in the army. We learn, eventually, how Amy and Dennis met. Meanwhile, we get a set of opposites: Amy the churchgoer, the beauty who doesn't eat, and who can't find love because men are superficial; Frances, the intellectual who loves food, doesn't believe in God, and who can't find love because men are superficial. They're both in love with sensitive souls: Frances with Nietzsche, Amy with Dennis. Within all these opposites is everything--and like the far right and the far left of the political spectrum, the opposites make a full circle to meet again, at the same place. Originally published at the Arch, read the story here at Scribd.

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